Aims of Our School

Our staff aim to help pupils to:
- Feel a sense of worth and dignity
- Know that each person is unique and worthy of respect
- Experience success and achievement
- To develop a love of learning
- Access a broad and balanced curriculum which addresses the needs of each individual and allows them to develop their full potential academically, spiritually, moral, physically and creatively
- Develop the skills necessary to promote self-discipline, self-esteem, self-confidence, independence and social awareness
- Develop their talents to the full
- Develop a sense of honesty and fair play
- Assume a sense of responsibility towards themselves and others
- Enjoy childhood
- To develop the necessary skills to lead healthy, active and purposeful lives
- To develop a respect for religious and moral values, with tolerance and respect for other religions, cultures, races and ways of life
- To understand the need to respect and care for the world they live in whilst developing an awareness of the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations
- To lead independent lives
- Have their voice heard.
Long Tower Primary School, Longtower Street, Derry BT48 6QQ | Tel: 028 7126 1484 |